Organizational Design
Organizational Design is encompassed in a set of solutions our team had developed in order to identify dysfunctional aspects of work flow, procedures, structures and systems and to realign them to fit current business realities and goals. We then work with client organizations to implement new changes, improving processes and all areas of human capital.

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A well-designed organization ensures that the form of the organization matches its purpose or strategy, meets the challenges posed by business realities and significantly increases the likelihood that the collective efforts of all stakeholders will be successful.
As companies grow and the challenges in the external environment become more complex, businesses processes, structures and systems that once worked become barriers to efficiency, customer service, employee morale and financial profitability. Organizations that don’t periodically renew themselves suffer from such symptoms as:
- Inefficient workflow with breakdowns and non value-added steps
- Redundancies
- Fragmented work with little regard for good of the whole
- Lack of knowledge and focus on the customer
- Silo mentality and turf battles
- Lack of ownership
- Cover up and blame rather than identifying and solving problems
- Delays in decision-making
- People don’t have information or authority to solve problems when and where they occur
- Management, rather than the front line, is responsible for solving problems when things go wrong
- It takes a long time to get something done
- Systems are ill-defined or reinforce wrong behaviors
- Mistrust between workers and management